Gay Crusader Comic

Single issue comic written for a storyline on Showcase's

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This paralells the scene in the series where Justin had just been beaten with a baseball bat by Hobbes, a classmate, and Brian is crying, holding his boyfriendThis paralells the scene in the series where Justin had just been beaten with a baseball bat by Hobbes, a classmate, and Brian is crying, holding his boyfriend

Gratuitous Safe-Sex scene omitted

I'm sure you can use your imagination...

RAGE (Brian) and JT (Justin)

The comic is based upon Brian Kinney, (RAGE), and Michael Novotny, (ZEPHYR), and Justin Taylor (JT) - The young boy, who was beaten by the thugs in the comic (Justin Taylor - The young man, 18, Brian Kinney's boyfriend, was beaten by a schoolmate the previous year, Hobbes, with a baseball bat in the series.)

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